Collection: Pendleton 31 Products


Pendleton has been making its mark in the American fashion market for over 150 years. The company can look back on a history that has been entirely family-owned and has been successful for six generations. In 1863, a young English weaver, Thomas Kay, settled in the state of Oregon. Kay supported the second spinning mill that set up in Brownsville and managed the production there, after some time Kay made it to the company's board of directors, already in 1989 Kay then opened his own mill in Salem. Through this mill, Kay got his own company in Salem. Through this plant, Kay's eldest daughter Fannie had the opportunity to join the spinning business and helped her father with the administration and ran the spinning mill. When Fannie married the merchant C. P. Bischop, Pendleton gained an important employee in the field of administration, and through this collaboration the foundations of Pendleton were laid. Over the next few decades, the company was always run by family members. Over the years, the company began to manufacture Native American coats and quilts, after this attempt failed and another attempt was made by the next generation, success came slowly, high quality products with a distinctive Native American style were well received. Intense colours and intricate patterns were applied to everyday clothing. Wool garments with a high recognition value are the secret of the company's success.