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Nike Free Run 2 (Black)  - Allike Store
Nike Free Run 2 (Black)
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Nike Free Run 2 (Black)

SKU: 537732-004

Normaler Preis 76,99 €
Verkaufspreis 76,99 € Normaler Preis 109,99 €
exkl.  Versand
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The sneaker has its roots in running. It is uncomplicated, flexible and has deep notches in the sole that ensure a barefoot feel. The details on the shoe collar and the soft foam bed under the foot ensure high comfort all day long.

  • The deep notches in the sole are specially designed for more flexibility, so every step, feels natural.
  • Leather and mesh upper.
  • Stylish design with liner and laces allows for a custom fit.


Artikelnummer: 537732-004

Marke: Nike

Farbe: Schwarz

Farbvariante: Black / White / Dark Grey

Geschlecht: Männer

Produkttyp: Schuhe

Funktion: Casual

Schuhtyp: Low Top

Verschluss: Schnürung

Futtermaterial: Textil

Obermaterial: Mesh

Sohlenmaterial: Gummi

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