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Adidas ladies

Adidas is very popular especially among athletes. Of course, in society you think that it is predominantly a brand for men. But Adidas also offers a super selection for women. What are the characteristics of Adidas articles? - Comfortable and stylish. In our online store there is the best of Adidas for the sporty woman who also thinks something of herself.

About the brand

Adidas is made up of the founder's nickname and part of his last name. The nickname was "Adi" (Adolf) and the last name "Das "sler.


The first sneakers were created in the laundry room of the mother of the Dassler brothers. These were made to fit perfectly to the foot of their wearers. In 1928, the first time these shoes were worn by athletes at the Olympic Games. And 8 years later, the best advertising for the brand took place, as one of the athletes won 8 gold medals wearing these shoes. During the Second World War, the brothers' factory produced special anti-tank weapons. The brothers were also members of NASDAP. When the war was over, the brothers split up in a quarrel. One of the brothers (Rudolf) was then the founder of the competitor Puma. Adolf Dassler gave his company the name Adidas in 1949. Adidas became world famous during the "Miracle of Bern" because the national team wore Adidas shoes. In addition, other sporting goods besides shoes were produced later. Until the death of the founder, Adidas was even the market leader in its sector. But unfortunately, a few years later there was a recession at the company and it had to be partly given to investors who had nothing to do with the family. Until then, Adidas was only a family business.